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Robb says he prefers function over historical significance. Generally, I am too. Or so I thought. But I was giddy when my dad brought over the Springfield:

4 Responses to “Function”

  1. Tam Says:


  2. Nylarthotep Says:

    When collecting I generally look for both. I’d really like to be able to shoot the historical guns. Nothing like being able to shoot a gun from every major belligerent from a major war. I can do it for WW1 only, and that is a bunch of guns.

    There is definitely something to experience what someone in the past did. In some cases it isn’t so easy, like the civil war/mexican war era. The risk can be too high.

  3. Old Doctor Weasel Says:

    I like Nyarlathotep’s approach. Of course, my tiny collection pales in comparison. I have had my eye on a trapdoor for a while.

  4. straightarrow Says:

    If forced to choose, I choose historical over functional. However, because of the genius of most firearms the two are not mutually exclusive. A 100 year old firearm can function as perfectly as it did when brand new.

    I have some Russians that have seen hard use and still work perfectly. I would however never own a gun I wouldn’t shoot no matter its history or worth.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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