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Secure your gun

Do not leave it on the roof of your car.

8 Responses to “Secure your gun”

  1. Flighterdoc Says:

    Unpossible! The police are professional gun-handlers!

  2. John Smith Says:

    Wow to protect and serve. That really is service. Free ar-15

  3. Huck Says:

    Fell off the roof? Sure. It was probably sold to some street punks.

  4. SteveA Says:

    I actually knew an officer who was taking his gear out of his trunk & left his pistol on the trunk lid while putting his duty belt & assorted crap on. When he got to the store i was managing at the time & realised his pistol was missing, guess what his reaction was? Instead of immediately returning home, he actually had the cajones to ask me if he could borrow my glock 22(as that was what they carried at the time) until he could find his pistol!! I(after picking my jaw up off of the floor) refused & told him he needed to find it immediately. Luckily for him it had slid off onto the side of the road when he backed out of his driveway.
    Fortunately, this officer is no longer with the force.

  5. Flighterdoc Says:


    Unless he was a really close personal friend, I think I may have told him that I’d loan him a pistol when he loans me his departmental issued long gun….

  6. Lyle Says:

    This can happen to anyone. I’ve lost a couple pairs of glasses in 40 years this way, and I knew a flute professor who left a $3K hand-made flute on the roof of his car, never to see it again. That’s far more newsworthy, in a level-headed society, than the loss of one 800 dollar rifle. The only reason we’re talking about this is that guns have been so demonized and politically charged over the years. This sort of thing happens all the time with other objects and no one gives a fuck or even blinks. We’re participating in this because we’ve been manipulated to the point even we don’t see it.

    How many of you reading this have lost a nice pair or two of sunglasses in a similar manner– by setting them down someplace and forgetting about it? That’s freaking national news? No. Only if it’s a gun, because we’re supposed to freak out about guns.

    Hee’s the proper story, which would only be of mild interest to those who personally know the cop; Cop loses gun. Oops. Darn. Maybe he’ll have to cough up $800 for a new one. Don’t set things on your car and forget about them. Carry on.

  7. Flighterdoc Says:

    I haven’t lost eye glasses, keys, my wallet or anything else outside the house in 40 years. And I’ve NEVER lost track of a firearm, anywhere.

    Thats because certain things bear increased scrutiny. Firearms among them. Thats one of the reasons that I buy custom carrying devices for pistols, that attach to my belt and prevent them being lost or stolen.

    Of course, I’m a responsible adult….

  8. Paul Says:

    Don’t laugh guys. I almost did that myself once. I got in the car and just could not find my gun! Went into the house and looked and looked, then went back outside and looked some more. Then when I was just about to leave the proverbial light bulb came on and I stepped out of the car, looked right there on the roof, and picked up my Glock.

    So always keep track of your gun. And the best way to do that IS TO PACK IT.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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