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Does the tea party know about this?

Oink: Republicans lead the earmark list.

5 Responses to “Does the tea party know about this?”

  1. TomcatsHanger Says:

    Cool spin.

  2. Blounttruth Says:

    There about to….

  3. B Smith Says:

    Yeah, because you know, those TEA partiers are really all just closet Republicans anyway.
    Et tu, Uncle?

  4. Skipelec Says:

    All. Of. Them. Out.

  5. Ken Says:

    Just remember it was those evil earmarks that got us the right to carry in national parks on the 22nd of this month.

    Are earmarks the new in thing to be against or should I only be against those not for me?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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