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I’m not sure what to think

For the first time I can recall, an overwhelming majority and I share the same political opinion:

Americans overwhelmingly think that the government in this country is broken, according to a new national poll. But the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Sunday morning, also indicates that the public overwhelmingly holds out hope that what’s broken can be fixed.

Eighty-six percent of people questioned in the poll say that our system of government is broken, with 14 percent saying no. Of that 86 percent, 81 percent say that the government can be fixed, with 5 percent saying it’s beyond repair.

5 Responses to “I’m not sure what to think”

  1. Jay T Says:

    It is an odd feeling.

  2. Johnny I Says:

    “Broken”, I think, can mean various things. Like the “right track/wrong track” question. Notice we don’t hear about that one anymore.

    Broken, which was repeated on every Sunday show yesterday, (probably due to the poll) was spun by Dems as a collapse of the system. “IT’S ALL OVER1!!11” because they can’t get signature, year-long policies through. R’s used it as frustration with gridlock.

    I’m OK without anything happening. System working, and all.

    Fed overreach can’t get past the public as easily as it used to, and public opinion reflects that. IMHO

  3. oldsmobile98 Says:

    Broken: check
    Broke: triple check

  4. straightarrow Says:

    Government is broken. The legitimate system of government as laid out in our founding documents is NOT broken. However, it has been discarded. It must be re-established.

    Government may be broken, but the system is not. The government we now have is not legitimate measured against the system provided but ignored.

    When we get enough guts to disobey this government, perhaps we can reinstitute the one we were supposed to guard with jealous attention.

  5. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    I’ll agree with straigharrow: the system isn’t broken. The system was deliberately designed to be inefficient and to make it difficult to do things.

    The problem is largely one of expectations: after almost a century of progressivism/Big L Liberalism/back to progressivism, people are expecting government to do things it was never intended to do. And thanks to the same period of the same influences in the education system, people think that, not only is it good and right that the government should be doing these things, but that it can, and should, be efficient in doing them.

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