I think I see the problem
Article: Current laws not stopping illegal gun epidemic
Later in the piece:
When police do arrest people with illegal guns in their possession, rarely is the punishment serious.
Article: Current laws not stopping illegal gun epidemic
Later in the piece:
When police do arrest people with illegal guns in their possession, rarely is the punishment serious.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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February 24th, 2010 at 1:01 pm
Unless of course it’s some regular Joe with a malfunctioning firearm, then it’s full steam ahead with the NFA violation charges.
February 24th, 2010 at 5:30 pm
In a free society there are no illegal guns, only illegal activities.
February 24th, 2010 at 8:59 pm
And of course all of the illegal guns are coming from out of state gun shows. :rolleyes:
February 24th, 2010 at 9:44 pm
A billion dollars a year for BATFE and any criminal in America who is not locked up and wants a gun can get one.
We throw away our money and our freedom and in return we get bullshit. We should be spending the money on corrections officers who actually do prevent criminals from getting guns by keeping the thugs among us under lock and key, and not spending the money on ATF agents who do nothing but waste our money by destroying our freedom while accomplishing nothing. If someone can’t be trusted with a gun, knife, tire iron, rope or baseball bat, all of which can be lethal, then that person should be locked up.
February 25th, 2010 at 9:37 am
Arrest, prosecute, jail and/or execute criminals using guns,knives, bats, fists, etc!
The ATF should be eliminated and its agents re-assigned to the Border Patrol (well-armed) with the authority to use the same force to “protect the States against invasion” (Article IV, Sec. 4 U.S. Constitution) they formerly used enforcing UNLAWFUL gun laws against American citizens.