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The Big Tent

GOProud, a gay conservative group, was at CPAC this year. Could be the tipping point for gays and their odd relationship with, well, either political party. Anyway, this made my day:

Just when it looks like this country can’t get any more divided, there comes a tiny glimmer of hope. Just mi,nutes (sic) ago here at CPAC, California Young Americans for Freedom’s Ryan Sorba launched into a denunciation of the conference for inviting GOProud, and as he railed against gays, he was roundly booed off the stage.

Good. Of course, that doesn’t fit the narrative the left is running. On Sorba, LabRat brings it:

Actually, what Sorba said specifically was that homosexual sex is not reproductive, which is not natural, therefore gays don’t have natural rights because they’re based on what “natural human behavior” is, and civil rights that conflict with this conception of natural rights shouldn’t exist. In that case I damn well hope he was booed down, because that’s such a tortured construction of natural rights that it should offend any principled conservative.


4 Responses to “The Big Tent”

  1. JJR Says:

    From the video footage I saw, it was GOProud members who were booing that guy loudly, while everyone else sat in embarrassed silence.

    There was a liberal journalist on MSNBC (I think he was from Slate or repeating the talking point that this guy was “booed off the stage”, but I don’t think that characterization is entirely accurate, much as I privately wish it were.

  2. Dan Says:

    After reading a bit of that person’s website, it is safe to conclude that that person has no understanding of natural rights. How about ultimate ends?

    As a political issue, I do not see how blowing off a large number of Christians for a much smaller group of people is good strategy.

  3. RW Says:


    Typing as a Christian, I don’t see why I should treat the ENDORSEMENT of my policies on, say, capital gains taxes any different than I would someone who divorced their first wife because they found a 25 year old hottie, instead. Looking up what Jesus said about divorce is pretty easy for any Christian. Saying “come on in & join the fray” when you’re organizing a defeat of Obamacare doesn’t mean you’re jumping on board with, say, gay marriage.

    People who would be dismayed that someone who is gay joins your side on POLITICAL ISSUES…..acting in many ways, none of which are Christian.

  4. straightarrow Says:

    Dan Says:
    February 24th, 2010 at 12:19 pm
    After reading a bit of that person’s website, it is safe to conclude that that person has no understanding of natural rights. How about ultimate ends?

    As a political issue, I do not see how blowing off a large number of Christians for a much smaller group of people is good strategy.

    I don’t get your point. I don’t see the linkage between Christians being blown off by refusing to aid and abet the violation of the rights of people with whom you may not agree on certain things.

    If Christians are that easily blown off, there is nobody they can associate with or find common cause with. Certainly not me, because I have been far from perfect, and often times on pupose.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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