Archive for February, 2010

February 08, 2010

Sounds like a good plan

Roll Call:

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) has quietly been preparing a series of gun rights amendments that he intends to offer to must-pass Senate bills this year, hoping to force Democrats to take tough votes and draw clear distinctions between the two parties heading into the midterms.

Via SIH, who has more.

GSG 522

Looks like German Sports Guns got around the HK lawsuit by making some changes to their MP5 clone.

Deal Alert

NRA instructors can get a deal from FN.

Glock Test

Man buries Glock. Pulls it out ground, washes it with water, and fires it:

More Pocket Carry

More join in on the meme: Desert Defender shows his carry stuff. As does One Troll.

Build your own SA80

Coming soon

Big Brother

The government has your baby’s DNA.

Pocket Pistols

Early American 32s. And more here.

Quote of the Day


The Brady Campaign’s resorting to this kind of silliness is understandable. It was once the most influential anti-gun group in town, able to claim some of the “credit” for the temporary imposition of the federal handgun waiting period between 1994 and 1998 and the federal “assault weapon” ban between 1994 and 2004.

But in recent years it has experienced the longest losing streak in gun control history. The waiting period has expired in favor of the instant check system. The 1994 gun ban has expired. The number of Right-to-Carry states has continued to rise. The list goes on, at the federal, state and local level. And the group’s core arguments about the Second Amendment were rejected entirely by the Supreme Court in the Heller case. President Obama even signed bills into law which included provisions allowing the carrying of firearms in national parks according to state law, and protecting the sale of surplus military ammunition components to the private sector.

Gun Porn

Prototype 45ACP carbine by Atchisson

Bull Pup Garand

It’s no shark but it does have a frikkin laser beam!

But I thought they were about safety?

TN town pulls red light cameras because they’re not making money. But they told me the cameras were not for revenue but for safety.


Leads to, err, I dunno:

Five-dollar registration fee for persons planning to overthrow US government

Terrorists who want to overthrow the United States government must now register with South Carolina’s Secretary of State and declare their intentions — or face a $25,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison.

Gura and NRA

The WaPo has a bit on the recent dust up.

Lost Revenue

100 OC protestors in California go to different restaurant. Notice anything odd about the article?

Update: Host restaurant was The Buckhorn Grill, per this article. Thanks to mik in comments.

Guns and spending

In Vermont: Gun show is a hit despite recession

In Georgia: Gun show attracts thousands

The Tea Party movement is dead

Long live the Tea Party. I’m lukewarm on the tea party folks. After all, they could have been protesting Bush’s big government too.

February 06, 2010


NRA’s video of Harold Ford’s pro-gun speech disappears from the intertubes. Wonder what that’s all about? Video was here and is now “private”.

Thoughts about today’s ARs

From Frank James

Hit the Brake

After Toyota’s recent brake snafu, comes one from Ford. If I were of the conspiratorial mindset, I’d note how it’s odd how we hear this for non-bailout, non-government owned companies.

That, or since this is for the hybrid Fusion and the other was the Prius, that maybe hybrid engines cause brake problems.

We’re the only ones providing for the needy enough

Policeman cites a shoplifter, who says he’s having hard times and has to steal food and school supplies for his kids. Policeman gets his address and takes the guy some food.

But remember the Republicans are serious about government spending

Sen. Richard Shelby has put a blanket hold on some 70 Obama nominations. Not because he opposes them or anything. But because:

Shelby is holding Obama’s nominees hostage until a pair of lucrative programs that would send billions in taxpayer dollars to his home state get back on track. The two programs Shelby wants to move forward or else

Stuff like this and the previous administration and congress are why no one takes Republicans’ recent claims of small government, fiscal responsibility and accountability seriously.

100 year old whiskey recovered

From South Pole ice

So much for relevance

Starbucks blows off the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership:

Starbucks has brushed aside a request from a gun control advocacy group to ban the display of guns in its retail locations, saying it will abide by laws that allow patrons to openly carry unloaded weapons.

I guess the pressure from tens of petition signers wasn’t that great.

February 05, 2010

Quote of the Day

Tam with the snark:

“Loophole” = “People Doing Legal $#!t I Don’t Like”.

Later on, I will exploit the Carbon Footprint Loophole to take my Mass Transit Loophole to the Starving The Poor People Loophole and get some Unhealthy Food Loophole for dinner.


I just noticed that Brownells is buying blog ads.

Not helping

Open carry meeting at Michigan restaurant was going fine until the guy with AR-15 showed up:

Officials from Michigan Open Carry say the owner of Ponderosa greed to let them hold a meeting at the restaurant. But he says he didn’t expect the meeting to be held on a busy Saturday — and certainly didn’t expect the men to bring more than handguns.

“At first, we looked the other way on the handguns,” said owner Dennis Holleran. “And then some gentleman shows up with an assault rifle, and that was just too far over the top.”

G.I. Curious

The gunny blogs are doing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell debate. Most excitement can be seen at The Nerds’ place.

Update: Views from a socially conservative, politically liberal former Marine

CCI 22LR Subsonic Issues

My nephews wanted to shoot. So, I set up a backstop in the yard and broke out the suppressed Ruger 10/22. We’d shot for a while and, with that set up, all you’d hear was the bullet hitting the backstop. Then, suddenly, quite a few rounds started going supersonic and that was annoying. I was using CCI 22 (this kind). Is CCI ammo that inconsistent or is it indicative of some other problem?

There’s a blog for everything

Odd places to see a Hello Kitty, like this Hello Kitty chainsaw.

And whole section on guns.


Dustin tells about his experience.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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