Archive for February, 2010

February 05, 2010

Chicks and guns

Life Magazine has some pretty cool pics.

Stand your grounds

Looks like the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership is starting a petition to demand Starbucks not allow carrying firearms on their property. They should know the rules: Don’t take a knife to a coffee fight!

Anyway, Sebastian is right. They’re clamoring for some kind of relevance.

Post Heller

Gura tells Reason three positive gun rights developments since his Heller victory.

Pulitzer my finger

So, The National Enquirer is ineligible for the Pulitzer. Apparently, for their story about Edwards’ infidelity that no one else would cover.

Speaks of journalism that the tabloid was actually even being looked at for the prize.

Bloomberg: Make it more illegal

He’s touring the state to pass a law to make carrying a gun while drunk illegal. Odd because, generally, carrying is illegal there anyway. My conspiratorial mind wonders if there’s some attempt to get laws on the books before the Chicago Gun Case?

I do not think it means what you think it means


The wheels on the bus

But there’s a trust fund: Social Security was a problem for the future. Now it’s a problem for the present.

That’s sexist

In Australia, they want to ban adult publications that feature women with small breasts. Because, apparently, ogling small sweater puppies will turn you into a pedophile. I shit you not.

I guess any women who didn’t qualify but want a job in that biz would have to get a boob job. Yeah, that’s helpful.

Noo Queue Lure

So, Obama says corpse-man. Well, TOTUS told him too.


College sophomores have been shown An Inconvenient Truth three times.

What you wear

More bloggers chime in on the meme:

Lefty with a Gun gets his Glock on.

Breda has knuts.

CTD blogger’s carry stuff


Boomershoot makes a motorcycle magazine.

Swine and Dine

A bacon fest in Knoxville!

Beretta U22 Neos Carbine Kit

Newly imported carbine.

Baby Desert Eagle

Looks awfully familiar.

Proposed gun laws

In West Virginia

February 04, 2010

Smith and Wesson Tactical Pen Follow Up

People ask me if I still dig the TacPen I reviewed a bit back and I tell them I like it so much that I got another one. Only in blue:

From S&W Tac Pen

That’s racist

Willie Herenton says the 9th needs to have a black representative. You know, for adequate representation. Fairness demands it! Well, in that case, it’s not fair that we have a black president. I mean, a full 87% of us aren’t black. So, how can that black guy represent my interests?

See how stupid that sounds.

Lost Stewart

This is brilliant:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Q & O
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis

Carry Where

Tam on carry and safety:

When I juice up the gun administratively, I check the chamber. When I pick up a pistol that has been out of my control or observation, such as when I get dressed in the morning, I check the chamber. Now, does that mean that I think that gremlins have sneaked in and unloaded my heater overnight? No it means I check because I always check

Indeed. And she notes:

This is tied in to another thing I often read on the internet “You carry a gun to the (grocery store/restaurant/nice neighborhood/sewing circle/whatever)?” No, I don’t. As Kathy Jackson phrased it so well, I don’t carry a gun “to” anyplace; I just carry a gun.

I will say that Tam’s philosophy on carrying is also an adequate component of gun safety. Minimizing handling of the weapon lessens risk. If I put the gun on and leave it there, it will stay there quite safely until I take it off at night. But this is complicated by local carry laws. For instance, a place that serves alcohol or a school is a no-go for carry. And this increases the likelihood of a negligent discharge.

I have to pick the kids up from school. So, I have to be careful to park in the street and not on their property. I then have to remove my firearm and secure it in my vehicle. What I’ve done here is increased the chance of a negligent discharge from zero to more than zero. To comply with the law. The preference is to just not take it off but if I have to, I re-check the weapon when I put it back on. If I just leave it on, the chance of ND remains zero but the likelihood of going to jail increases.


Scientific American:

A study in the Proceedings of the Royal Society finds that reacting to a movement, such as being drawn on in a gunfight, is faster than initiating the movement

Lots of guns that make Paul Helmke cry

Doesn’t blog for over a year and then all kinds of really cool gun pics!

Publishing lists

Of dog owners?


53 Congressman Support Chicago Gun Ban. All Democrats.

Via NewsAlert

Zero Tolerance and guns

At schools in Memphis.

Taking a bullet

Reporter gets shot to prove that brand of clothing can stop a bullet.

Rule 3

Keep your booger-hook off the bang-switch.

Fan Boys

Comparing love of the iPhone to Stockholm Syndrome. I dunno. I’d say any fan boy of any item is probably in a similar boat.

Haven’t seen one of those in a while

Another one of those medical studies that says guns in the home are dangerous and lead to high health care costs. These come out every couple of years, it seems. Yawn.

Hope and Change

Remember those lobbyists who Obama said would not work in his administration? Him neither.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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