Archive for February, 2010

February 04, 2010


I got a kick out of some one saying my little girl’s pink AR-15 is not even really amusing. Because if there’s one thing someone who uses Japanimation to tell nerd-themed stories understands, it would be what’s amusing.

HK: Because you suck a little less and we don’t hate you or your money

Larry Correia:

the new president of HK is aware of how they’re perceived, and are actively working on how to improve their image, through better customer service, attitude, and availability of cool stuff.

Well, here’s hoping. Speaking of HK, pics of the MP7. And pricing and pics of the HK556. And heh.

Toy Guns in the news

Kid gets into trouble at school for taking a Lego gun to class.

Dollar General recalls toy guns

About that grenade launcher ABC bought

It’s a flare launcher.

The kinder gentler IRS needs short-barreled shotguns

You know, to collect taxes. People are not amused. The firearm blog has a picture of the shotgun.

The system worked


There’s a carnival for everything

Including misandry.

What we carry

Ahab and NK weight in on the meme.

February 03, 2010

NRA Statement on Motion for Divided Argument in McDonald

It is here:

NRA’s solitary goal in McDonald is to ensure that our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms applies to every law-abiding American in every state. We are hopeful that the Court will share our view that the Framers of the Fourteenth Amendment clearly intended to apply the Second Amendment to the states.

A worthy goal, no doubt. Some folks, however, have questioned the strategy here.

CCW Suit

UK University of Kentucky grad student suing after he was fired for having a gun in his car.

edited for confusion.

The difference a year makes

Why, just yesterday it was the Bush government making everyone scared of terrorists. Meet the new boss.

Phoning it in

Content is hard when you’re busy, uhmmkay.

Been busy. How busy? Well busier than either:

A one legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

A three-legged dog trying to take a piss on a frozen lake.

A man whose job it is to dig fly shit out of black pepper (only reference I could come up with that didn’t involve odd numbers of legs).

Anyway, my professional life has suddenly become a bit more, err, involved. And I find myself learning a whole big giant bunch about an industry in a short amount of time, while at the same time being forced to change a long-running company’s methods of operation. While I, as a matter of practice, know how to run a company efficiently, I do not know a damn thing about this particular industry. And while saying you should do x because it’s more efficient is the right call, adjusting that x to an unfamiliar industry is cumbersome.

So, the blogging has been lighter, taken less effort, and is done the night before. It’s actually 9:45pm yesterday that I am typing this. With a glass of Scotch in hand watching the cats fight like they always do after the kids and wife go to bed. And all those other posts for today were written even before that. Except the shake weight one. Which I wrote after but moved to the bottom hoping my wife won’t see it. And a joke she probably hasn’t gotten yet and will be mad about in the morning once she realizes what I meant. Oh, and that Miculek DVD that I haven’t watched yet, you’ve already seen my brief review.

Maybe my normal, real time, breaking news type blogging will kick in soon. Or maybe not. What do you care? It’s free.

And, while I appreciate your help, yeah, I know, I make typos and type faster than I think so the grammar may leave some to be desired. And I forgot a link or something. And I’m glad you take time out of your day to tell me. But, nothing personal, it’s not just you who tells me. It’s you and ten to thirty other people. So, for me, just deal with it. I mean if it’s an error that is just patently fucking out there and is a colossal fuck up, fine. Tell me. But minuscule bullshit no one cares about, stop. I’m busy.

Jerry Miculek’s Practical Rifle – Disk One

I mentioned the upcoming release and linked the trailer earlier. Well, I watched the first DVD. So, for those who expressed doubt because all the gun shooting media you see is some super star showing you how bad ass he is, I’ll tell you it’s not like that. I watched the first DVD (available from Brownells later – believe it or not, gun blogging has a perk or two). I was impressed. Once you got passed the 10 minutes of legalese because lawyers have decided that guns can kill you, it’s quite good. Discusses equipment needed and safety.

Then, it gets into some good meat. Such as the parts of the AR-15 and what modifications Jerry makes and doesn’t make (the latter I found more interesting, frankly) to his competition AR-15s. And Jerry’s information on how and why he sights in his AR-15 alone is worth the price of admission. At least I thought so.

The only good Commie

Cuba gives “the people” two months to register firearms.

Short Shotty

With bonus cool-assed name.

More pocket protection

Free in Idaho on his pocket carry.

I’ll miss her sultry voice

Breda leaving gun nuts radio. Bummer.

Why we win

Indeed. At least Reasoned Discoursetm hasn’t broken out yet.


Firearms Freedom Act hits Utah. As I’ve said, good for symbolism but not so good for effectiveness.

Smart guns: Not so smart

Video proof. Giving guns to kids is stupid. Technology can fail. That, in addition to it’s actual mechanical failure.

Let the jokes begin

My wife actually bought a Shake Weight. Obviously, she’s unfamiliar with me making fun of it on the internet or she would not have bought one. I told her that she could try the shake weight exercise one night and the next night we could try my slightly modified work out and compare results.

ATF sued for breech of contract

They agreed to provide infiltrating agent with protection. Then, when the agent said it wasn’t good, they withdrew all protection and bad guys who were infiltrated burned his house down. Probably the first time ATF has been involved in a case with a fire in which they didn’t burn the house down.

Chicks and guns

Rihanna gets her gun on, resembles Mad Max character.


Gun Porn


Sig 716

Bling Bling

February 02, 2010

In the Mail: Jerry Miculek’s Practical Rifle – 3 DVD Set

Available from Brownells. I look forward to watching this. Also available from Bang Incorporated. Here’s the trailer:

Gun companies: they always be suing

The latest is Vltro (whose stocks I love and recommend) suing Magpul over its ACS stock.

TDOS revoking instructor’s license

So says a TFA post:

Recently, it has been reported that the Tennessee Department of Safety has revoked an instructor license because the license, which had been issued and renewed for many years based on the same training program, is no longer recognized as an “approved school” based on a recent interpretation of the regulations by a staff person at DOS.

Tennessee Firearms Association Legislative Alert

A summary here. Some pro-gun bills like restaurant carry, felony conviction for publishing HCP data, expanded park carry (no opt out), and expansion of carry to wildlife areas.

Pics from the AAC Party

And there were Maxim girls.

I wasn’t the only one

Not only did I build my child and AR-15, Carnaby did too.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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