Archive for February, 2010

February 02, 2010

Long range hunting

With handguns.

Banana Clips

Or banana magazines?

Handgun of the Decade

While I’ve said before I don’t get it, the fact is they sell a ton of them.

Pocket Protectors

More from the What’s in your pocket meme.

And another here.

Overreact Much

The Brady Campaign: Losing its mind.

Windows 7

New work laptop has it. It’s quite nice. Fast and easy to navigate. Office 2007, however, blows chunks. Well, the ribbon interface does.

February 01, 2010


Transfer receipts.


Public face of gun rights battle

The Chicago Tribune has a look.

Odd gun case

Man has order of protection taken against him. Has to get rid of guns. Takes them to gun shop to sell them on consignment. Local police seize guns.

Cool Gun Pics

Still life. Anyone know what that one on the bottom is?

Someone will try to pass a law based on untested technology in 3, 2

Nano-coated bullets could solve gun crime.

Find ammo

With ammoseek

It’s right there in the constitution

President wants to regulate the BCS

We need common sense gun laws

I agree

How to get a grenade launcher

ABC news report. Looks a bit off to me.

Full auto fun


Summary of Chicago’s Argument in gun case


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

Find Local
Gun Shops & Shooting Ranges


