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Everything is on the Internet

People say to me Hey Uncle, if you could see any ten things what would they be?

And I say I dunno. But I’m guessing Lara Croft and Princess Leia dressed in the slave costume having a snowball fight would be right up there.


2 Responses to “Everything is on the Internet”

  1. Mikee Says:

    John Derbyshire of National Review used to post about playing with Google – trying to find a two word combo that would result in one and only one linked result. I gave up trying when “hammock dicing” gave me pronographic results.

  2. JJR Says:

    Leia was terrible…you think someone who’d spent a lot of quality time in the Hoth system would be better in a snowball fight.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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