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Zero intelligence

Girl suspended for turning down drugs. Because she touched a pill.

7 Responses to “Zero intelligence”

  1. Ted Says:

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Tar and feather that D-bag in charge. Why do the right thing, when you’ll get in trouble anyway?

  2. Huck Says:

    I hear you Ted! It seems like no matter what kids do in school these days they get in trouble for it.

    Uncle hit it right on the bullseye; “zero intelligence”.

  3. DJMoore Says:

    “…[W]hat would have happened if Rachael had told a teacher right away. Bell said the punishment would not have been any different. District officials say if they’re not strict about drug policies no one will take them seriously.”

    Not only does this incident show that you know that the drug users in your schools take you and your policies about as seriously as Officer Big Mac and his play jail, it shows that we adults need to your policies about as seriously as we take a spoiled bowl of tuna salad, and that we need to take you as seriously as a cobra wearing a hammer and sickle.

    It’s getting close to the time when our policy needs to involve hot roofing tar and feathers.

  4. ATLien Says:

    what happened to vigilantes? why isn’t this guy hanging from a tree upside down? the reason this keeps happening is that we just get “outraged” and yet do nothing about it. This man needs some ultraviolence in his life.

    Now don’t get upset. He’s a public school official, he doesn’t have a soul therefore he has no rights.

  5. John Smith Says:

    I am impressed. Talk about a way to prevent snitches. Punish you right or wrong will definitely make them leery of helping the authorities. Good to see these values being instilled at an early age. Reminds me of what George Carlin said about zero tolerance policies.

  6. ErnestThing Says:

    So the girl PLACED the pill in the other girl’s hand, and she still got in trouble for drug possession?

    How about a fun new game, you take a bag of pills to a school, call the principal out, throw handfulls of pills at clusters of students, and then demand the principal suspend all of them.

  7. Skipelec Says:

    W. T. F.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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