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More open carry

In VA, advising students to run away and call the police if they see someone open carrying.

9 Responses to “More open carry”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    In defense of the stupidity, it is listed as “On Campus Violence”, and given that open carry is 100% illegal in VA, I’d say it’s not such a bad idea…at least until we get that stupid law repealed.

    But I’d say somebody Open Carrying in a posted gun-free zone may very well not be one of us.

  2. Pete Says:

    Weer’d are you sure VA is a no OC state? A quick google search tells me it is.

  3. Fred Says: originated in VA. Virginia is listed as a “Gold Star” Open Carry state.

  4. Jake Says:

    Weer’d: As a VA resident and CHP holder, I can tell you for certain that OC is 100% legal. It doesn’t even require a permit, only concealed carry does. In fact, open carry in “bars” (i.e., any restaurant that serves alcohol) is legal, even while concealed carry in “bars” is illegal even with a CHP (until the Governor signs the new law allowing that and it takes effect, that is).

    That being said, most colleges and universities in VA do prohibit students and employees (via their “Code of Conduct” or equivalent) from possessing weapons (of any type, not just guns) on campus. They cannot, however, ‘legally’ prohibit anyone not subject to the Code of Conduct from even open carry, much less concealed carry. Given that, you’re right about it not being “such a bad idea” until we can get a law passed prohibiting them from imposing that restriction.

  5. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Ahhh, my mistake. Around here you can get arrested for packing on a campus, as it’s a state law in most of the states I wander.

    I think we cal all agree it’s a dumb law/policy. Hopefully one that will soon vanish.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    In VA for the summer camp thing and went to a local restaurant. Mariner told me that I needed to unconceal my hogleg since VA bans concealed carry where booze is served but not open carry.

  7. Lyle Says:

    This is an example of the tactic of freaking out as a means of prompting others to freak out. It’s an old trick, and it’s used so often simply because it’s worked so often. Those most vulnerable to it are of course the young, hence its common application in schools.

  8. Rivrdog Says:

    Here’s how you stop that nonsense in it’s tracks:

    Every state has some sort of prohibition against making false reports to the police. Look up the statute, and see if it says that knowingly claiming a crime was committed when there is no crime is a false report. If it does, you’re off to the races. The next time this happens in your community, make a request for the 911 tape of the incoming false report (it’s an FOIA), then take that tape to the local DA and demand prosecution of that individual. If the DA refuses, or waffles and says “that sort of false report isn’t covered by this statute”, get the DA to put THAT in writing, and then ask the VA Attorney General if the DA did right or wrong.

    My guess is that, even if the DA keeps his/her job, they WILL get a letter from the AG advising them that a crime WAS committed, and that they’d better issue that false report case next time. Very quickly, the word will get passed down through the anti-gun chain that such harassments are counter-productive.

    There’s also the citizen’s arrest possibility, and maybe OCVA needs to look into THAT maneuver.

  9. Jake Says:

    My guess is that, even if the DA keeps his/her job, they WILL get a letter from the AG advising them that a crime WAS committed, and that they’d better issue that false report case next time.

    I doubt it. The AG will probably just make noises about “prosecutorial discretion” and let it go. They don’t want to discourage people from reporting actual crimes just because they’re afraid of being sued if they’re wrong – an attitude I can actually understand.

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