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They’re everywhere

I’ve been reading Larry Correia’s book Monster Hunter International. Entertaining read for gun nuts. But, as a result, every time I go to Wal-Mart and encounter some of the people, I think They must be Elves.

7 Responses to “They’re everywhere”

  1. Jim Says:

    Great freshman effort. Loved almost all of the book. The ending got a little metaphysical for me but in a book about vampire killing mercs suspension of disbelief was pretty easy.

    I think the guns and tactics drew me in and made me forget about the ridiculous-ness of the whole affair.

    Honestly, if vamps and zombies roamed the earth, the Dems would be registering them to vote NOT offering bounties on their most loyal demographic: the dead.

  2. DaddyBear Says:

    I noticed that too. Of course, I’ve been noticing all of the “special” people here in Kentucky for quite a while. Not to mention all of the zombies in Louisville during March Madness and Derby.

    It’s a target rich environment come the Zombie Apocolypse.

  3. Miguel Says:

    Obviously you guys never been in Miami Beach or any weekend night. Many a target there! And i don’t mean Cupacabras.

  4. guy Says:

    The elves and the orcs had me laughing out loud.

    Of course having the token JRR Tolkien fan getting his childhood dreams absolutely crushed was the icing on the cake. 😛

  5. A Horse Thief Says:

    That is absolutely the funniest thing I read all day. I almost shot rum & Coke out my nose.

  6. Scott M Says:


  7. Tango Says:

    “See? I told you that we can have those dead people on the voter lists still!”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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