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On ammo selection

Good question

7 Responses to “On ammo selection”

  1. Spook45 Says:

    FMJs are meannt to wound with less leathality(I fail to understand that logis, but who ever said govt was logical) and the expantion rounds are meant to transfer more energy and be more efficiant killers. Personaly, if I am at war , rule number one is THERE ARE NO RULES! My only rule is to KILL THAT GUY before HE KILLS ME! Ballistic tips, Im all over it! Screw the HAGUE, never been there. BUY MORE AMMO…….W/BALISTLIC TIPS

  2. Tam Says:

    Take your meds.

  3. SPQR Says:

    Wounded soldiers (vs. dead) not considered undesirable. Wounded bambi undesirable.

  4. Stranger Says:

    One of the problems with trying to ascertain the reason behind the ban on “dum dum bullets” in warfare is that the “original documents” are in long forgotten files, and secondary documents are in ancient newspaper morgues.

    The original purpose was no more complex than shutting the mouths of those upper crust Brits who hated the thought of doing unnecessary damage to the (politically incorrect term’s) who were trying to reach “Tommy Atkins” in order to hack the British soldiers to death.

    As usual, the do-gooding idiots won.


  5. Lyle Says:

    Simple; some people have too much free time, and would rather spend it making rules than doing something productive.

  6. B Smith Says:

    If I am desperate enough to shoot at someone, I’m not really caring what the Hague treaty says. My enlistment having ended many years ago, I don’t figure it to be a personal issue.
    HOWEVER, were I in uniform today, with all the silly-assed legal prosecution of soldiers pursuing their Prime Directive (“Kill the Bad Guys in the Most Effective, Mission-Oriented Manner”), I believe my personal policy might be something like,”First use the rifle, then break out the entrenching tool”.
    Or as the ranchers out West used to say about hunting (protected) wolves, “Shoot. Shovel. Shut Up.”

  7. Lyle Says:

    Police use HPs and SPs too. Pretty much everyone but the military, as I understand. So you have to be “humane” in the military by using hardball, “Humane” in hunting by using expanders, and the police, well, uh…yeah, they need the ability to stop people who are, uh, possibly shooting back…and all.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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