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If you’re a teacher with a concealed carry permit, probably a bad idea to leave the gun in your car while you drop it off at shop class for an oil change.

3 Responses to “Storage”

  1. Jake Says:

    The prosecutor is now reviewing the case to see if any charges will be filed.

    I’m a bit torn on this point. There needs to be some sort of slap on the wrist for leaving a firearm unattended in a car (anywhere, not just school property*), but without any malicious intent I don’t think it should rise to the level of criminal charges – and I definitely hope it’s not a felony in Arkansas. Yes, it was negligent, but it shouldn’t be criminally negligent.

    The teacher who locked it up for the owner should get, at most, an informal reprimand for not following the official procedure. He recognized there was no harmful intent and acted accordingly. He did the right thing, and should not be penalized for it. Unfortunately, they’ll probably treat this as a zero thought tolerance issue, and hammer all the teachers involved.

    (* a vehicle is not a secure location in any way, shape, or form – it’s a glass box that can be moved if emptying it where it is isn’t convenient to the thief)

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Yep super dumb to leave a gun in an unsecured and unattended place.

    That being said, nobody was harmed, and it looks like everything was handled properly, but likely because of the gun-free zone status of the school the cops have the gun and are contemplating filling charges!


  3. straightarrow Says:

    No harm, no foul. However, to grant some leeway for those of the opinion that some action should be taken because brains were used instead of stupid policy, I would point out that perhaps those people who established the policy at all levels, not just at the school should also suffer consequences. After all, she couldn’t remove the gun and carry it on her person. Not allowed, remember? It does her no good at home if she isn’t there with it. Now, there is an argument to be made that she could have locked it in the glove box or trunk, but Uh, the students doing the work would have her keys!

    Instead, everybody did the intelligent thing in lieu of stupidly following a zero-intelligence policy. Nobody was in any danger at any time, no one was harmed and BY GOD, WE CAN’T HAVE THAT, SOMEBODY HAS TO PAY!

    Ok, make the people who violated the constitution pay.

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