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Amazing photos

Of a crocodile discovering that you shouldn’t try to eat a baby hippo.

8 Responses to “Amazing photos”

  1. John Smith Says:


  2. Crotalus Says:

    There’s only one animal on the African Continent that is more dangerous than a hippo: Man.

  3. Jester Says:

    reading the comments are nearly as fascinating as the photos…

  4. Skipelec Says:

    Lesson- Don’t try to crawl over the Hells Angles
    to go home. Shoulda went the back way.
    Just sayin.

  5. dave Says:

    I’ve always loved this quote from Wiki:
    “To mark territory, hippos spin their tails while defecating to distribute their excrement over the greatest possible area.”
    Talk about the shit hitting the fan 🙂

    I remember reading stories about how vicious those things can be, like when they bite boats in half.

  6. Firehand Says:

    From what I’ve read, and some video I’ve seen, the bastards are FAST, too.

  7. Firehand Says:

    Speaking of idiot comments,
    “Chantel,animals that live in water are known as FISH! F I S H. And most crocs are herbivorous bottom-feeders.
    – alibongo, dorset uk, 1”

    Be a surprise to all the people and animals that get chomped that crocs are plant-eating bottom-feeders, huh?

  8. chris Says:

    I guess that hippo-surfing didn’t provide the mosh pit that this croc tought would be the case.

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