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Revenue Measures

Tennessee recently passed a law requiring police departments to sell confiscated guns. Not sure how I feel about requiring it but I definitely would oppose prohibiting it.

3 Responses to “Revenue Measures”

  1. Sailorcurt Says:

    I have no problem at all with the government passing requirements that apply only to government actors.

    The only issue would be if the law somehow applied to private businesses.

    Regulating the actions of government entities is actually one of the few appropriate uses of government power…unlike most of the other things they do.

  2. Xrlq Says:

    What Curt said. Government is supposed to govern government. If cops can use the weapons they seize, great. If they can’t, they should sell them. Anything else is a waste of public resources.

  3. Beaumont Says:

    Not only guns, but anything else they confiscate legitimately & have no use for.

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