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Gun Porn

I dunno what that is. But definitely black and expensive.

pistol / carbine?

8 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. workinwifdakids Says:

    I’d like to know, too. I have to say, though, that I’ve never been a fan of the “skeletonized” model of firearms like you say on some of the big-bore precision rifles.

  2. Fred Says:

    Looks like a Cheytac M200.

  3. Beaumont Says:

    Not sure, but it reminds me of a Serbian rifle I once saw. It also looks as though it would be unpleasant to shoot.

  4. Lyle Says:

    The Howda pistol replica is made by Pedersoli and sold by a number of vendors. They come in several configurations, and all can be fitted with the shoulder stock. Shoulder stocks on pistols were failry common in the 19th century and early 20th. The original Colt Army and Navy pistols often had a provision for shoulder stock attachment, as did the Mauser “broomhandle” pistol and the Luger, to name a few;

  5. mikey22 Says:

    The sniper unit looks like a Wind Runner

  6. B Smith Says:

    Heh. “You didn’t see me. You didn’t hear me. I wasn’t even here.”

  7. Skipelec Says:

    If it’s supersonic the can won’t help much.

  8. donkeyshow Says:

    fred’s got it right on the money. they showed it on the show future weapons. seems like a B.A. rifle

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