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That’s still around?

The real story here is that someone still reads Doonesbury.

10 Responses to “That’s still around?”

  1. Paul Says:

    I still like uncle. It does get harder and harder to read though.

  2. SebastianWho'llGetHisBlogRunningEventually Says:

    They were actually discussing it on the radio the other day, they had a cartoonist on NPR talking about how it’s a dying medium and Doonesbury is the last of a dying breed.

    I still miss the Far Side.

  3. Aaron Spuler Says:

    The Far Side was great. I’m a big fan of the one scene comics like that.

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Skipped over Doonesbury again this Sunday when I was clipping coupons. My liberal Dad bought be a few of his collections. I skimmed them, but didn’t get hooked like I did Bloom County.

  5. SebastianWho'llGetHisBlogRunningEventually Says:

    It’s a silly, bigoted argument Trudeau is making, but I guess it’s ok to be bigoted when your perception of the people you’re being bigoted about is that they’re all white billybobs who don’t know anything.

    Comics like that are important, but probably a dying breed for a reason.

  6. Paul Says:

    They have Biazzaro on Seattle PI. It was a predessor of the Far Side. I really miss Calvin and Bloom County. mainly the women on Bloom, but the penguin was cute.

  7. Robert Says:

    I saw these Doonesbury strips yeaterday and was going to send you a note about them. Too late.

    Day by Day is a great strip though.

  8. WPZ Says:

    It’s still and forever 1968 in Doonesburyland.

  9. comatus Says:

    I remember his character BD defending Nixon with the line, “The President is a lot smarter than you think!”

    Be objective, now; that’s a funny line. It’s as funny now as it was 40 years ago. I hear it every day — just not about Nixon. The Presidency hasn’t changed all that much. Trudeau has.

  10. Mikee Says:

    I compare the Doonesbury characters to those in Day by Day ( and find the latter much more appealing, as characters and as expressions of a thoughtful philosophy.

    My favorite Doonesbury remains the football player’s girlfriend, who models swimsuits for Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit edition. She is thinking something along the lines of “I’m doing this for all the boys in America!” as her top falls off in the waves….

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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