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There is no trust fund

You know, the one that doesn’t exist. We discussed this before.

3 Responses to “There is no trust fund”

  1. SebastianWho'llGetHisBlogRunningEventually Says:

    Yeah, I guess when the calculated the dates for when SS would start paying out more than it takes in…they didn’t calculate that the end of this decade would involve the steepest nose dive in the economy and concomitant tax receipts across the board since the Great Depression.

    Just another program that pays out more than it takes in, backed by the full faith and credit of the US Federal Govt. If the US starts defaulting on obligations, we’ll have bigger fish to fry than worrying about retirement.

  2. Nate Says:

    That’s UN-POSSIBLE!!!!! This is a government run program, right? Then how, oh how did this happen? I mean these guys are super reliable with money, it must be that OLD math, you know where 1+1=2, instead of NEW math where 1+1=….well depends on what set of books you look in.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    Duh, that’ why the four years of taxes and payments for benefits under Healt Care Reform that do not begin until after that term. It’s called buying time to figure out how to cheat the hangman. Oh, and how t cheat the people they are going to be taxing for benefits they have no intention of delivering.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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