Archive for April, 2010

April 30, 2010


That is my new favorite word. I just wonder what it means.

for only $1,200


CavArms update

Sentencing has been postponed.



Shotgun rails

From Elite Tactical Advantage. Via Les.

Deal Alert

AR magazines for $7. Trouble is, I can’t figure out how to actually order them.

Via the duck, who asks if you remember when they were $35.

Have Gun, Must Flaunt It?

WSJ on open carry.

Chicks and guns

A trend.

Another bit on how more women are carrying guns.

Another video here.

Crimson Trace on Governor Perry and their product

From a presser:

As reported widely on FOX NEWS, MSNBC, Washington Post and other media outlets, Governor Rick Perry of Texas utilized a Ruger LCP with the Crimson Trace Laserguard to dispatch a Coyote that was threatening him and his dog while jogging outside of Austin recently. He told AP reporters after the incident that it only took one shot from his Ruger .380 handgun equipped with the Crimson Trace Laserguard to take down the menacing coyote.

Perry said the laser helped make a quick, clean kill. “It was not in a lot of pain,” Gov. Perry said. “It pretty much went down at that particular juncture. He became mulch.”

Click here for video of Governor Perry at the range shooting his Laserguard equipped Ruger LCP.

Since I can’t require, I’m going to ask

Mayor Daley, preparing for defeat, asks Chicagoans to turn in their guns. Which is odd. Since guns are banned there so no one should have any.


There could not have been a negligent discharge on campus. Guns are banned there.

Restaurant Carry

New version clears senate. Some reconciliation needed with house version.

Civil Collapse

Early signs.

But did he break the law?

Well, did he?


So, Infiniti is doing an app for the iPad to, err, I dunno what exactly. Instead of doing that, why don’t you get some programmers to integrate the iPhone, Droid and other smart phones with your in-dash information screen? The current method kinda sucks.

Cutting spending

Campfield has a plan and specifics. Most politicians talk in vague terms about cutting spending. But never offer much to cut. Campfield does.

Drawing from concealment

From Shooting Illustrated.

Ruger Earnings

Sales up 8%. Earnings up 47%.

Ask a police officer for a badge number

And get arrested.

Speaking of Zombies

World’s shortest zombie movie.

Movie Review Haiku: Shaun of the Dead

Oh my god. Zombies!!!!
We need to get some weapons.
Crap. We’re in England.

Gun porn

M1 with aimpoint. I know that guy.


So, what round for

giant rabbit.

I wonder if it’s a spirit animal?

Except those slow reloads

Why revolvers are all that and a bag of chips.

There ought to be a law

No matter how pointless:

TN bill banning felons from owning vicious dogs approved

Nice shot

Tree rat at 637 yards.

Iowa Numbers


And then there were eight.

Boomershoot stuff

A video.

Joe says recovery is nearly complete.

April 29, 2010

Server issues

Hit or miss today.

Shall Issue in Iowa

The governor signs.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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