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Dealing With Bullies

Don’t teach your child to fight back? I’ll teach them to defend themselves.

Via WOG.

6 Responses to “Dealing With Bullies”

  1. Spook45 Says:

    This is a hot button issue to me. IT PISSES ME OFF when people suggest that you should just lay daonw and let an aggressor do whatever they want to you. SCREW THAT; STOMP THIER GUTS OUT!! If you are not provoking anything and someone puts thier hands on you against your will, STOMP THIER GUTS OUT and leve them LAY….IF you dont know how, GO LEARN! Take Karate, or Krav Mega(very street applicable) or JuiJuistu or even boxing is better than TAKING IT wiht no RESISTANCE!! FIGHT BACK

  2. RosieRac Says:

    It seems a lot of the bullying is psychological bullying (via Facebook, etc.) and not physical bullying.

  3. AntiCitizenOne Says:

    Facebook. Serious business.

  4. Nathaniel Says:

    The real problem is that the most effective things that kids can do are usually banned by the school. Defending for yourself is a surefire way to get suspended under a “zero-tolerance” policy, and go ahead and forget about actually fighting back.

  5. B.B. Says:

    Damn straight. I want my child to never start a fight, but always finish one.

  6. Nick Says:

    Facebook–> Unfriend
    MySpace—> Unfriend
    School—> Self Defense

    Homeschool if necessary. Your kid won’t be as dumb that way, anyway.

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