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Facebook Hacking

A concerned mom read something she didn’t like on her son’s facebook page. She changed the password on his account and his email account. And apparently wrote some things that her son considered slanderous. Mom is now facing charges. Seems to me that if he lives in her house, his privacy concerns are moot.

8 Responses to “Facebook Hacking”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    Heard on the radio she didn’t have custody.

  2. Tango Says:

    Article says he lives in Grandma’s house, not mom’s house.

  3. Flight-ER-Doc Says:

    Also, she didn’t change the computer in her home…she impersonated him (hacking into his accounts) and changed computers belonging to another (facebook, email)…and allegedly slandered him…

    Sounds like that family is pretty dysfunctional to start with: Mom screwing around like that didn’t help.

  4. justaguy Says:

    I say legalize post-natal abortion

  5. TomcatsHanger Says:

    Thankfully for this son justaguy, self defense is still legal.

  6. Xrlq Says:

    Privacy concerns may be moot in her house but slander concerns are not.

  7. nk Says:

    I agree with justaguy. Retroactive birth control.

  8. John Smith Says:

    Ah the good old fashion retroactive abortion debate. Where a coat hanger might just fit the bill.

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