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Good and Bad in Cali

The Good:

People with a clean record who want to carry a gun will have a much better chance at snagging a concealed weapon permit, Sheriff Adam Christianson said Monday, drawing thunderous applause from firearms advocates.

The bad:

The stunning change in policy comes as Christianson prepares to lay off dozens of deputies because of budget cuts. He has released 300 inmates to comply with new state rules.

7 Responses to “Good and Bad in Cali”

  1. Hypnagogue Says:

    Third story like this in a week. Hmm.

  2. John Smith Says:

    And this is bad how? More carry permits + 300 more reasons to get a carry permit.

  3. Huck Says:

    This is in Kalifornistan. I’ll believe it when more AVERAGE people start getting permits. I grew up in Stanislaus county (Turlock) and my parents and 2 of my nephews still live there, so I’m well aware of how policies are. Personally, I think Sheriff Christianson is just blowing hot air.

  4. Ian Argent Says:

    Isn’t this the same guy that denied a retiree cop? Or was that the town (Turlock)?

  5. Xrlq Says:

    It was the town. Sheriffs can issue permits to any residents of their counties, but they often don’t issue to residents of cities with stricter policies.

  6. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    I fail to see how releasing prisoners is bad.

    It will teach the Californians a lesson: safety does not come from government and you cannot have something for nothing.

    Two lessons the people of California need to learn, real quick.

  7. DirtCrashr Says:

    The prisoner-release clusterf*k came about like the Obamacare bill. It was written by junior stooges who work for incompetent one-Party narcissists – they didn’t know what they were doing and are incapable of learning. It overrules prison authorities – something of an inside turf-war between DA’s (or Sheriffs) and Corrections. It was supposed to be applied only to non-violent offenders, but they screwed it up badly in the writing because they’re freaking incompetent idiots, the whole goddamn legislature.

    But judging from the poll, he’s going to win votes.

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