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Katrina Guns

Almost five years since hurricane Katrina and some residents still haven’t gotten their illegally confiscated guns returned.

4 Responses to “Katrina Guns”

  1. Stretch Says:

    Have they checked the local pawn shops?

  2. Pathfinder Says:

    Have they checked the houses of all of the cops across the country who came to help (themselves)?

  3. Stranger Says:

    The dirty not-so-secret secret is that most guns that are confiscated in the “Big Easy” and the surrounding parishes never see the inside of a cop shop.

    Most are sold within hours of confiscation. If a citizen tries to recover a gun it becomes a case of the citizens word against the cops word. With the usual results – unless the citizen is either unusually prompt and unusually well connected.


  4. John Smith Says:

    Irony is that if the citizen went and confiscated it from the cop then he would probably be charged with theft and assault on a police officer. Remember kiddies it is “legal” if they do it to you, but it is criminal if you do it to them. Whats not to love about the system.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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