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Guess they got tired of people setting them on fire

UK speed cameras outerspace.

8 Responses to “Guess they got tired of people setting them on fire”

  1. Jake Says:

    The AA said it would watch the system “carefully” but it did not believe there was anything sinister.

    Of course not. They’ve been desensitized to the idea of the government watching everyone at all times in public. Eventually, they won’t find anything sinister when the telescreens are installed in every home, either.

    England. Where Great Britain used to be.

  2. Flight-ER-Doc Says:

    LOL, wait until folks with those ’50-caliber sniper rifles’ (Bull? Gerald Bull? Where are you?) start taking the satellites out 🙂

  3. divemedic Says:

    How long before some enterprising soul invents a do it yourself anti-satellite missile? That would be cool.

  4. Rabbit Says:

    While asat defenses would be cool, optically adaptive camouflage would be of greater overall benefit.


  5. John Smith Says:

    Right…. The natural evolution of traffic cameras. Presenting the all new ford sierra with active camouflage built in cryo cooling and available with optional asat technology for the fully loaded sports car of tomorrow.

  6. Kristopher Says:

    They are not using the sats to spy … Britain doesn’t have the money for that.

    They want to put GPS trackers in the subject’s vehicles … and probably have them tattle on them via cellphone.

  7. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Always in focus
    You can’t feel my stare.
    I zoom into you
    You don’t know I’m there.
    I take a pride in probing all your secret moves
    My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove.
    Electric eye, in the sky
    Feel my stare, always there

    /bangs head and dies a little inside

  8. The Packetman Says:

    You forgot the best part –

    I’m made of metal
    my circuits gleam
    I am perpetual I keep the country clean

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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