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NRA Convention Stuff

If, like me, you’re going to be there, you should know about their carry laws. Local yokel PDB breaks it down for you.

When it comes to guns, the enthusiast truly acts at his peril.

4 Responses to “NRA Convention Stuff”

  1. Flight-ER-Doc Says:

    So, no carry at the convention itself (No carry anywhere admission is charged)? Even absent the special laws that pertain to the arena?

    No carry at any location where alcohol is served? Do the hotel rooms have minibars? Whoops! Can’t carry IN your hotel room?

    Come on up to Montana, or Wyoming, or Arizona, or any sane place.

  2. pdb Says:

    Yeah, I didn’t even know about the convention ban until Caleb piped up.

    What a crock of shit. I’d rather fly to Arizona and carry than drive 90 minutes to Charlotte and leave my gun in the car.

  3. Tam Says:

    They don’t call it “Moscow on the Catawba” for nothin’…

  4. Justthisguy Says:

    I recall reading that if driving between NC and SC with gun in car, the legally-required position of the piece in either state was a felony in the other.

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