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Well, they haven’t yet

Hardheadball: will pro-gun rallies lead to violence?

7 Responses to “Well, they haven’t yet”

  1. Tango Says:

    “Do you need to protect yourself against our government?”

    Absolutely you do. If it were possible, ask the Bonus Army. “The government wouldn’t shoot at us! They don’t do that!”

    Man that guy needs punched in the d***…

  2. SebastianWho'llGetHisBlogRunningEventually Says:

    But gun owners need to be prepared for the hysterics he’s going to engage in.

    The answer to his question is simple, and will shut him up in a hurry: “I should get to carry what the police carry. Next question please”.

  3. Huck Says:

    Less than 2 minutes into the so called “interview” I had to stop it. Chris Matthews is sickening and since I’d just ate I didnt want to loose my lunch.

  4. cargosquid Says:

    I tried. I really did. But Matthews voice made blood shoot out of my eyes and that blocked the screen….

  5. oldsmobile98 Says:

    Mr. Coryell and Mr. Pratt did great, I think. I wouldn’t have done so well. In real life, if somebody interrupts me, I like to just let ’em finish and then respond. But if you tried to do that on Matthews’ show, you wouldn’t be able to get a word in edgewise.

  6. JD Says:

    I always get a laugh out of the lefties when they try and get pro-gunners to say “yes, I think people should carry RPG’s”.
    Larry was correct when he said we should carry the main infantry rifle of the day.

  7. dave Says:

    Yes, in the same way that asking stupid questions will make you seem smarter.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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