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Around the house

Me: you hear Jada Pinkett Smith was beat up pretty badly?

Wife: Will Smith’s wife?

Me: Yeah, he’s the primary suspect. At the scene, they found fresh prints.

Wife: You’re a horrible man.

2 Responses to “Around the house”

  1. The Packetman Says:

    Hey, new blogging opportunities …. ‘Shit Uncle says’!

  2. Alchemyst Says:

    Hell, Uncle’s my man. He’s trying (but failing) to drag me into the contemporary world. I have no clue who Jada Pinkett Smith is, nor Will Smith either — the whole thing is so far beyond me that it might well be about dolphins. Yeah, I know I could Google it all up but it’s more fun to just sit back and sip Dickel.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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