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Community Guns

A bit back, I noted the case of a gun that was linked to 13 crimes. Seems gang members share their weapons because, despite Bloomberg’s bloviating, it’s not as easy to head to a gun show loophole as we’re told. In NY, the trend continues:

Police believe that they’ve noticed a new trend amongst gangs in NYC, with rivals sharing guns rather than heading out of state to restock their illegal firearms.

7 Responses to “Community Guns”

  1. wolfwalker Says:

    Animal cunning at work. If the same gun is used to shoot a member of Gang A and a member of Gang B, the police are entirely likely to look for a single perp hostile to both, rather than suspecting that Scumbag B1 shot Sumdood A1, then traded his gun to Sumdood A2 who later used it to shoot Scumbag B2.

  2. Retardo Says:

    It can be (and will be) argued that this shows gun control laws to be effectively reducing the number of guns in the hands of criminals.

    On the other hand, it sure doesn’t look like any fewer crimes are being committed with the guns that remain, so what’s actually been accomplished? Worse, if they’re not going out of state to stock up on guns, you can’t very well use the out-of-state-guns line to demand that low-crime states pass NY-style gun laws.

  3. Retardo Says:

    “Worse” for gun control enthusiasts, I mean.

  4. Stranger Says:

    One of the “revelations of 1968” was NYC’s combination “Street corner pharmaceutical vendors and gun dealers” rented guns in order to provide income to addicts.

    During the Lindsay mayorality, the going price was $15.00 a weekend. Down from $20 a day during Wagners terms. And the price went as high as $30.00 a day during Giuliani’s time in office.

    I lost that informant to cancer a few years ago, but I understand the going price for a “shooter” is up to $35.00 a day. In terms of a fraction of the price of an OTC gun, that may be the lowest price yet. No doubt that is a reflection of the low price of a stolen gun, when purchased with illegal drugs.


  5. Matt Groom Says:

    In totalitarian regimes were guns are completely banned, the local organized crime syndicate owns all the guns and only rents them to perspective clients. You want to keep it for longer? That’s fine, just pay up monthly. They also charge you for ever round of ammo you buy, and know how many rounds you’ve shot, and who owns what calibers in which areas of their territories. Then, if a crime is committed with a gun of a certain caliber, they know who likely did it, and they can extort that person for everything their worth.

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a similar criminal enterprise was commonplace in the large American cities where civil rights don’t exist or aren’t respected by the powers that be.

  6. Gunner M. Says:

    You are ALL wrong. This is the effect of Al Gores push for a stronger environmental concern of the environment. By recycling firearms in this method less metals are removed from the ground in harsh mining manners and the environment is impacted less. Their care for the earth and the future generations is simply worthy of note and we should thank Gore for helping us achieve this level of compassion.

  7. Robert Says:

    Or, sumdood A shoots sumbitch B and then takes his weapon, which sumbitch B used to previously off scumbag C, and then uses it tp create other mayhem.

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