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Gun Porn

O/U short barrel shotty

Sig 226 USPSA

5 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    The shotty reminds me of this gem

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    Why can’t someone make a modern (centerfire, not cap-and-ball) version of the LeMat revolver, with a shotty barrel under the revolver barrel?

    I just had occasion to handle a replica LeMat, and it’s (7 or 8 round) cylinder, with a (more or less) 20-gauge SG barrel under would make an excellent weapon to fight off zombies.

  3. Rivrdog Says:

    BTW, Weer’d, clicking your link is “forbidden”. Seems to be a locked server, or I didn’t have the correct “papers”. something.

  4. Diomed Says:

    A modern LeMat would be pretty complicated – hard to do well and at a price people would pay.

    If it had a smooth bore it would also be NFA, so it’d wind up rifled, making the pattern even worse (like the Judge).

    Anyway, if you do a SBS, don’t use a gun with ejectors. Or disable them. I just dropped off my 12″ O/U Baikal for refinishing and disablement of the ejectors. It’s impossible to open, even trying to break it over your knee. No leverage.

  5. Jerry Says:

    Hmmmmm, un-modern LeMat. Where the $%^& did I put that BPS catalog?

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