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Now that we’re in Arizona

In comments, some disagreement on the nature of what the bill does. A few things:

It relies on rather broad police discretion with regards to contact. The rules regarding such lawful contact change at whim.

My issue is more with the problems of the law’s application not the actual meat of the law (except that whole carry your papers thing).

And, I think, most agree we need a better and easier means of lawful immigration.

54 Responses to “Now that we’re in Arizona”

  1. JKB Says:

    It relies on rather broad police discretion with regards to contact. The rules regarding such lawful contact change at whim.

    Actually, reasonable suspicion and lawful contact are quite well defined in case law. The law “Stipulates that a law enforcement official or agency cannot solely consider race, color or national origin when implementing these provisions, except as permitted by the U.S. or Arizona Constitution.”

    As for application, it is all speculation. The law does not require stop and check of individuals by law enforcement. It prohibits law enforcement or any state, county or local official from turning a blind eye when they reasonably have doubts about a person’s, with whom they are lawfully interacting, lawful presence in the United States.

    Guess what, if your police participate in ICE’s 287(g) program, they can already do this. The AZ law simply makes it mandatory for officials to enforce US immigration laws and turn those found not lawfully in the US over to US immigration.

  2. Will Says:

    Add me to that “not most” list. It doesn’t need to be any easier, hell I want it to be more difficult! I don’t want that “automatically a citizen if born here” bullshit, either. Not unless at least one parent is ALREADY a citizen.
    Either we get a handle on these illegals, and throw them out, or you might as well start indoctrinating your kids in either the Mexican or Saudi Arabian culture so they, and their kids, will fit in.
    That is the problem, they aren’t interested in fitting into OUR culture here. That is a recipe for future disaster. If they won’t acculturate, they have no business in this country.

  3. Arizona Citizen Says:

    When Shakira stated “that I am pretty much undocumented” is absolutely ridiculous. She came to our country with documents. When entering into the United States legitimately you must show your passport, which Shakira certainly did. By challenging Arpaio to come and get her because she left her passport at her 5 star hotel clearly indicates Shakira does not understand the Arizona Senate Bill 1070. By Shakria not carrying her passport or identification does not mean she will be arrested. One must engage in illegal activity to be arrested and asked for identification, which most likely Shakira will not be engaging in illegal activity. For someone to rally other individuals without fully understanding the SB 1070 is irresponsible. People (including Shakira) need to take the time to fully understand the law before grand standing to an audience who expects her to be informed. Shakira should respect the United State’s freedom of speech and should be fully educated on the law before leading an emotional charged crowd. This law is not new, it is enforcing what is already in place by the Federal Government. It is a Federal crime to be an illegal alien thus the term “illegal alien.” Crime has become an increasing problem in Arizona. The law is designed to punish criminals for being criminals not for being illegal immigrants. Which all members of our community should embrace. If the Federal Government would take illegal immigration seriously there could be alternatives for this law. But the Federal Government ignored Arizona’s immigration problem and decided they could not rely on the Federal Government for help. Arizona’s actions are directed against the members of the immigrant community that are criminals. Anyone, citizen or non-citizen, should agree that the increased violence around our boarders needs to be addressed. Immigrants and citizens need to work together to reduce crime. Shame on you Shakria for further inflaming a passionate subject that should be addressed rationally. Shame on you everyone else for not educating yourself on the SB 1070. For those of you that want to be educated you can read the full law here

  4. Hey You! Says:

    The real flaw in the logic here is that some folks believe that the violence and illegal activity is due to undocumented workers. In reality, violent crime is down in Arizona but the media and the hard-liners in AZ make sure that if an undocumented worker is involved, it’s big news, but the facts are that violent crime has slowed in the last few years in AZ. The law passed isn’t going to stop the real problem which are drug runners and smugglers, It isn’t even going to slow them down.

    There was a great article in the LA Times featuring an interview with an ex-Phoenix cop who had to deal with these issues. (

    And he said it very plainly after a white cop was killed: “I told people that it’s not whites or Hispanics who killed Marc,” he said back then. “It’s drug-dealing cop killers. The issue isn’t ethnicity — it’s crime and drugs.”

    And this is the real problem with this law is that it doesn’t address the real issue, at all.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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