Park shooting
Unpossible. Guns are banned at Hadley Park.
DC wants representation. And gun rights thrown in. Just like last time.
Looking to adopt universal rules on how privately owned weapons are stored or carried on military installations.
Via bob.
State law applies to universities:
An Appeals Court in Colorado ruled that the University Board of Regents is subject to preemption, and has to honor State permits to carry.
We can’t have people exercising their first and second amendment rights, now can we:
California handgun owners would no longer be able to carry their weapons in public under legislation unveiled Wednesday at the state Capitol.
Meanwhile, California’s government is about to go bankrupt.
Man accused of having an unregistered short barreled rifle and silencer. Seems he had what he thought was a pistol and an oil can that he was using as a flash suppressor. 7th Circuit overturns conviction.
Or, rather, they’re losing:
Not so long ago, Brady was pushing background checks, “assault gun” bans, checks for private sales, and whatnot. Today they’re hassling Starbucks (without result) and seeking publicity for praising a political has-been for something he did ten years ago. Which failed.
It is not uncommonly observed that people shrieking “I’m OFFENDED by that!” are a general boil upon the ass of society, as they use the tactic to shut down any speech, expression, institution, or even person that they dislike.
I used to be hard in his “Vermont Carry or Nothing!” camp, but here, ten years later and seeing that my side has been successfully copying the relentless chip-away-around-the-edges, come-from-all-angles-at-all-levels strategy used by the foes of freedom for the last forty-plus years, I think I’m softening my stance.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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