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Rasmussen on OC

47% oppose open carry. 41% Approve.

5 Responses to “Rasmussen on OC”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    And a lot of that opposition comes from our side.

    Just sayin’

  2. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    I support open carry, but I don’t recommend it.

  3. Darwin Says:

    Anyone who has been to a CCW class knows there are plenty of people carrying who have no idea what they are doing. Open carry and CCW with no training is not responsible. Its a deadly weapon and thats not too much to ask. Its still far less than needed for a drivers license.

  4. Robb Allen Says:

    Darwin please. There are plenty of cops with ‘training’ that have no business near a gun.

    The CCW / Open Carry thing though is a red herring. In your argument, it makes no logical sense to say “You can own a gun without any sort of training but to have it tucked into a holster, you need training”.

    What you’re requesting is requirements for training for ownership.

  5. Mikee Says:

    I let my 16 year old drive a car. Alone.

    I let my 16 year old go on dates. Without adult supervision.

    I let my 16 year old use my firearms. In a supervised environment at a gun range, with me standing right behind him.

    The idea is silly, that people who drive cars and who are able to breed should not be entrusted to behave themselves with other deadly tools (not just weapons, all sorts of tools).

    If you can be trusted to drive a car or conduct yourself politely while unsupervised with a member of the opposite sex or use a hammer on nails only, not noggins, you can be trusted with just about any weapon.

    Conversely, if you cannot be trusted with a weapon, you should not be out in public, as you are an irresponsible person.

    Stop treating adults like infants. Let them be responsible for themselves, or accept the consequences. Prior restraint is not an acceptable response to potential abuse of a right.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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