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NRA on Kagan

The WSJ:

Gun-rights advocates have started to raise concerns about U.S. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, possibly leading to a rockier confirmation process.

Ms. Kagan’s public record on gun rights is limited and mainly consists of positions she took as a White House lawyer in the Clinton administration and as a law clerk at the Supreme Court.

But the National Rifle Association, one of the nation’s most powerful and well-funded lobbying groups, regards Ms. Kagan’s views as “outside the mainstream,” said NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam. He said the 4.3 million-member group intends to “work with the Senate to make sure tough questions will be asked during her confirmation hearings.”

Some leading conservatives have endorsed Ms. Kagan to succeed retiring Justice John Paul Stevens; opposition by gun-rights advocates is unlikely to derail her confirmation, but it could make for a closer vote. The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to hold confirmation hearings this summer.

2 Responses to “NRA on Kagan”

  1. Pete Says:

    I just ran some numbers. 4.3 million members of the NRA is 1.8% of the US population over 18 years of age (US Census)

    The NRA is pretty damn big.

  2. The Packetman Says:

    Big or not, it won’t do any good.

    opposition by gun-rights advocates is unlikely to derail her confirmation, but it could make for a closer vote

    The black vote is for Democrats as the NRA vote is for Republicans; taken for granted.

    Elections have consequences. If an NRA A-rated politician doesn’t expect serious electoral repercussions by voting to confirm an anti-gun Supreme Court nominee, then what good are the NRA?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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