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Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Chicago Mayor Daley wishes for Supreme Court justices to be attacked. And threatens to shove a gun up a reporter’s butt. Classy.

7 Responses to “Why are anti-gun activists so violent?”

  1. John Says:

    “He also said that if guns are allowed in Chicago, something has to be done to allow police, firefighters and other first responders know how many weapons are in a home as they respond to a call.”

    Wonder how they keep track of all the illegal guns that are there now?

  2. Thirdpower Says:

    That’s easy. The faster Police Superintendent Weis runs away from from the area, the more guns there are.

  3. Darwin Says:

    Good to know you are against violence. I’m waiting for your posts on the many. many threats right wingers have made.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    On the right, you will find a search function. Have at it.

  5. nk Says:

    Mayor Daley has personal problems. The Daley dynasty is about to end with his death/debilitation because his thug of a son who was going to succeed him had to join the Army to avoid prison.

  6. Paul Says:

    Simple reason. “Al Capone” Daley, being from Chicago, is just doing what is his nature. He grew up in that environment.

    You know, “Push back twice as hard” and “if they bring a knife, then we will bring a gun” attitude.

    That’s just his Al Capone side speaking.

  7. Rabbit Says:

    In the state in which I reside, there is a menacing statute. Wonder if there’s one in Illinois, because I think he just violated it.

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