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A push for OC in Texas.

5 Responses to “OC”

  1. Paul Says:

    I’m not real bubbly about OC, and I do live in Texas.

    Now I would like it if I accidently flashed my gun they wouldn’t be so upset (never have but it could happen in the hot summer!)

    Heck maybe Vermont really does have the answer! Just don’t do like that nutjob in the Arizona Wal-mart and wave it around and it goes off.

  2. JJR Says:

    Have no objection to OC philosophically, I’d just rather push to have my CHL valid on campus as a first priority here in Texas.

  3. Rabbit Says:

    Heh. The article quotes Marsha McCartney, who is the NTx Bradyite who used to troll as macca.

    I’d prefer to keep my right to conceal, personally. My feeling is that sometimes surprises are very good things.

    Besides, it’d be tough to carry something like a PLR-16 concealed in the summer with our climate, and a FAL pistol is damned heavy.

  4. EnemyoftheState Says:

    I have a Texas CHL. I’m okay with OC as long as it’s not made mandatory in place of concealed carry.

    Good OPSEC to not reveal all your capabilities to an observant badguy.

  5. Mikee Says:

    I also have a TX CHL. Open carry would be extremely useful in the summer here, as a sweaty, clingy polo shirt prints a concealed handgun quite well. Similarly, the still-common fanny pack carry method advertises that one is carrying a handgun just about as much as open carry.

    I would not want to lose concealed carry to obtain open carry. And I also would prefer to get on-campus, licensed concealed carry and workplace automobile storage ahead of open carry.

    I think, however, that we Texans will get everything we want over the next several legislative sessions. The anti-gun groups continue to be exposed as the extremist, bigoted liars they have always have been. The pro-civil-rights, pro-gun groups seriously outnumber the anti-gunners here, from what I can tell.

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