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Marriott Charlotte Update

Xrlqy Wrlqy notes Marriott may cave

2 Responses to “Marriott Charlotte Update”

  1. ericire12 Says:

    Keep on em:

    * Keith Thomas: Reports directly to JW Marriott, Jr. himself. Thomas can be reached at Mr. Marriott’s office at either or 800-621-0999.

    * Kathleen Matthews, Executive Vice President, Global Communications and Public Affairs:, 301-380-7770. Also include her assistant, Marilyn Cole at: or 301-380-7525.

    * Chad Callaghan, Vice President of Loss Prevention: Also call his assistant Pat Murphy at 301-380-7814 and presuming he ignores your call, feel free to page him at: 800-313-9391.

    * Jim Diehl: Don’t forget the General Manager (and reportedly regional executive) who started this mess:,, phone: 704-333-9000, fax (directly to his office): 704-358-6522.

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    I wouldn’t call “removing the signs” a victory. They told some folks before the convention that it was OK to carry, when it obviously wasn’t OK with their management. They shuffled signs. Nothing in their GFW stance had changed, and probably hasn’t since.

    In this case, nothing less than a full-on public policy statement can be considered a victory.

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