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Marriott Update

Their CEO is linked to a gun control group in the same way that I am linked to Kevin Bacon. But they still haven’t taken their signs down, though they said they would.

4 Responses to “Marriott Update”

  1. Mikee Says:

    A minute of googling produces the details that the sign on the Marriot is indeed legal notice to prohibit concealed carry on the Marriot premises by concealed handgun license holders in NC.

    In Texas, specific wording is required and a sign like that on the Marriot is considered “feel good” rather than “legally correct”.

  2. GD Says:

    The part that really makes me sick is that the alternative is Hilton. I am a Marriott platinum member not only because of the (previously) excellent service Marriott has provided… but also because I am terrified that even a portion of a single penny of my money will end up in Paris Hilton’s purse.

  3. Captain Holly Says:

    Sweet. It will be easy for me to boycott Marriot: I never go there, because they’re waaay overpriced. 😀

  4. Paul Valone Says:

    “Their CEO is linked to a gun control group in the same way that I am linked to Kevin Bacon.”

    That would be true only if you gave money to Kevin Bacon and then he used it to attack your rights.

    Bill Marriott is undoubtedly a “trustee” of the National Urban League because he gave them money. In addition to the league *individually* calling for AW bans, etc., it joined the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, run by long-time anti-gunners Michael Beard and Joshua Horwitz.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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