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Anti-gun shill Garen Wintemute has another “study” that says guns are bad, mmmkay. Unlike last time, it looks as though he may have actually done some math instead of walking around a gun show and writing down things he thought looked illegal.

5 Responses to “Shocker”

  1. Someone else Says:

    Did I miss a reference to the normal population? Seems that kind of information could have easily been useful… of course, if it turns out that handgun purchasers without criminal records are less likely than an average citizen to commit the kinds of acts they’re referring to it wouldn’t look good for an agenda.

    Actually, the relative rates for recidivism without regard to handgun purchase would have been interesting in addition to a comparison of (criminal) record-less owners vs. non-owners.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    Sounds to me like he’s trying to make a case for stripping anyone convicted of any misdemeanor of their Second Amendment rights.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I hope he does a few more. That Joyce Money won’t spend itself, and the bottom of the barrel is in sight.

    As soon as that anti-rights bank account goes tits-up the sooner all the anti-rights groups die.

  4. Adam Says:

    Am I reading this right “A new study finds that handgun buyers with a prior criminal record, go on to commit felonies and violent misdemeanor crimes at much higher rates than law-abiding gun owners do”? We really needed a study to determine that criminals once barred from firearm ownership that then go on to flout the ban on their ownership of firearms by illegally purchasing firearms in what is like an illegal manner go on to commit crimes. No shit. Criminals break the law. In other news, murderers kill people according to a new, hard-hitting study by me. Where’s my grant?

  5. Pol Mordreth Says:

    Weerd: Joyce will nover go bankrupt as long as people shop at Target…. year in, year out they give over half of their charitable donations to Joyce.


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