Archive for May, 2010

May 26, 2010

We’re winning

Sure, the legal battle. But also, hearts and minds in Chicago:

Gowder, who said his mother had always been in favor of gun control, has now changed her mind.

“My mother, who is in 60s, now feels she needs to have a gun and she needs to take lessons so that she will be qualified in case somebody kicks in her door,” said Gowder.

Trigger Bite

I’ve complained about crappy triggers before but I’ve never had one bruise me.

remember when

The hysterical sorts were saying Bush was going to declare martial law, suspend elections and make himself dictator for life? The good old days. Well, now the hysterical are hoping Obama can do something like that. Weird.

These bring a smile to my face

Man bursts into a house with a shotgun. Residents (a mother and son) take his shotgun from him and beat him down. With a pic of a man who has been beaten down. Good.

Up next, a couple of choir boys burst into a house to rob people and then start sexually assaulting a woman. Then someone notices the gun they’re brandishing doesn’t have a magazine. So, they presume it’s unloaded and beat the two choir boys down then hog tie them. With pics of what the beatdown resulted in. Good.


AZ asked for predator drones to patrol the border. Obama sent 1,200 troops to secure the border.

Cool find

Guy out with metal detector finds an old, rusted revolver. Starts cleaning it up.

Jamaica and Guns

An island nation with a gun ban. But still plenty of violence.

New Kalashnikov

Coming in 2011.

Team Glock

On the radio

May 25, 2010

The destruction of Rand Paul

Appears to be well underway. From both sides of the aisle. Grab popcorn. And, Rand, I’d place guards by your trash bins. Once the media joins in, you’re getting the full-on Sarah Palin treatment.

More Tactical Solutions Glock 22 Conversion

I asked Gabe from Tactical Solutions if their TSG22 conversion kit would work on both Generation 3 and the new Generation 4 Glocks. He said that since Glock went to a larger recoil spring on the Gen 4 there will be a gap in the front but will function just fine. Here’s a pic of the unit on a Gen 3:

From Gun Porn

And here’s a pic of the unit on a Gen4:

From Gun Porn

I’m gonna have to get a G17 just for one of these.


Red states under attack.

Everybody hates Libertarians

They fear they’ll take over and leave everyone alone.

“Libertarianism is juvenile,” “stupid,” “silly,” “bratty”.

And who doesn’t hate them?

Welcome to the Fish Bowl

The other day, a facebook friend posted some status about joining Chuck Schumer in demanding that facebook not sell your information to advertisers or else we’ll all cry in our beer and update our status to righteous indignation or something. First of all, the thought of joining Chuck Schumer generally sickens me. Second, enjoy your free ice cream or quit using facebook. When you signed up, you agreed to play by their rules. Your continued use of it implies your continued agreement to play by their rules. And their terms of use pretty much say they can do whatever they want with their data (which is your data that you have given to them). Everything on the internet is out there. And probably forever. You have no privacy once you step into the fishbowl. Forget thinking that you do or stop using it.

Like Alan, I can’t quite muster any rage. The site needs to make money and, since there are groups called 10M strong for not paying for facebook or some-such, money has to come from somewhere.

Xrlq says facebook should address the privacy concerns or people will start jumping ship to other social networking sites. And that’s the way to get your concerns addressed.

Marriott Charlotte Update

Xrlqy Wrlqy notes Marriott may cave

Yo dawg, I heard you like pockets

Jay G. has video of his tactical pants. I have to say that I am a fan of mine.

The warm and fuzzies

Or why people who don’t know anything about guns probably shouldn’t be making rules for police rules of engagement.

U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Appeal in Ileto v. Glock

Or Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act means what it says:

The National Rifle Association praised the U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal today to hear an appeal in the case of Ileto v. Glock. The lower courts’ decisions in the case were among the first to use the NRA-backed Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act as the basis for dismissing a reckless “public nuisance” lawsuit against firearm manufacturers and distributors. This decision concludes eight years of litigation in the case.

More from NSSF.


Hardy reports CNN will do a two parter on ATF’s management, hopefully focusing on its lack thereof.


The Illinois ACLU forgets what the C & L stand for.

More TSG22

Michael Bane does a video on the Tactical Solutions Glock 22LR conversion.

Chicks and guns

Report and pics from Women on Target.

Gun Porn

For Texans only: Coyote special. No laser?

20 rounds of 12 gauge.

Sig 226



May 24, 2010

Gun retention drill?

If you’re a moron:

More guns

Less crime:

statistics from the Preliminary Annual Uniform Crime Report show that all forms of violent crime were down in 2009 from 2008, with homicides showing the greatest percentage decline (7.2 percent).

Clearly, we should ban cameras in National Parks

Apparently, encountering a moron with a camera is a death sentence for bears. You see, bears don’t play well with people. And they don’t really fear us since we tend to show up and give them peanut butter cups and potato chips on occasion. Yet, people act surprised when they get close to one and discover that bears act like fucking bears. They bite. Because they’re bears. The guy was too stupid to pick up on the subtle cues in bear body language and too stupid to adhere to the common wisdom that says don’t go near bears. And don’t chase them with a camera.



Since guns are banned in restaurants that serve alcohol.

Business End

The Springfield Socom:

From 2010 NRA Annual Meeting

Firearms Free Airport Act

Yeah, that will solve all our problems and stop terrorists and stuff.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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