The other day, a facebook friend posted some status about joining Chuck Schumer in demanding that facebook not sell your information to advertisers or else we’ll all cry in our beer and update our status to righteous indignation or something. First of all, the thought of joining Chuck Schumer generally sickens me. Second, enjoy your free ice cream or quit using facebook. When you signed up, you agreed to play by their rules. Your continued use of it implies your continued agreement to play by their rules. And their terms of use pretty much say they can do whatever they want with their data (which is your data that you have given to them). Everything on the internet is out there. And probably forever. You have no privacy once you step into the fishbowl. Forget thinking that you do or stop using it.
Like Alan, I can’t quite muster any rage. The site needs to make money and, since there are groups called 10M strong for not paying for facebook or some-such, money has to come from somewhere.
Xrlq says facebook should address the privacy concerns or people will start jumping ship to other social networking sites. And that’s the way to get your concerns addressed.