Archive for May, 2010

May 24, 2010

Top Shot

I laugh at little giant whenever I read it.

Handy graphic

For gun safety.


Crime down 45% in Charlotte during NRA convention.


Ruger LCR blew up. Indication that it may not be an ammo/shooter problem is disconcerting.


Joe: A steel challenge match from the eyes of the shooter

Could have been written by the New York Times

Deranged Gunman Opens Fire On Shooting Range

Well, yeah

LTE: D.C. gun laws haven’t stopped criminals and wouldn’t stop terrorists


A push for OC in Texas.

May 22, 2010

Bleg: DVD

Got a Kodak Playsport video and I love it. Trouble is, it record movies as .mov files. The wife wants to burn home movies to DVD to play on the TeeVee. And windows DVD maker doesn’t dig on .mov. So, what dvd maker do you recommend for .mov files?

Negligent Discharge

In the backyard, wearing out some fenceposts that had seen better days. Had a failure to fire. Went to check out the cause of the malfunction and, satisfied all was working well, I gave the trigger a squeeze. Poor muzzle control and it discharged right into my left shin. The wound was a bit bloody, moderately bruised but mostly clean. Yup, shot myself with a pressure washer. The four rules: they work for other tools too.

SayUncle v. Linux

Tried various versions (Eeebuntu and EasyPeasy). Both had issues with internet connectivity and networking. Microsoft wins. Installed Windows 7 on the EeePC 1005. Works great. Battery life slightly diminished and the function keys for sound don’t work. Nor does the touch pad work for resizing. I hear there are fixes for those but I haven’t found them yet.

May 21, 2010

Charlotte: Trouble at the Marriott

Gay Cinic:

It seems that after several hundred NRA convention goers made reservations to stay at the Marriott and, in addition, Grass Roots North Carolina also held its “Gala for Gun Rights” on Friday night at the location. GRNC had, in fact, by all accounts carefully verified in advance that Marriott was not one of the many gun-free zones that make Charlotte a deeply undesireable city for 2A conventions and events.

Subsequent to taking payment and check-in of said guests and organization (estimated at over $100,000), on Friday night, during the Gala, Diehl and his minions posted the hotel as a no-firearms zone using quickie computer printed signs and scotch tape to hit all the entrances – instantly criminalizing those present and placing them at risk of prosecution if they were in possession of firearms on the premises.

Such prosecution would place them at risk of imprisonment, fines, and loss of their Concealed Pistol Licenses.

Of course he did

Mexican President lies about guns.

Out of the box, my foot

So, decided to try dual booting Eeebuntu and WinXP last night. As part of that, I tried out Eeebuntu without installing it. Worked great except for that whole unable to find my wireless card thing. You know, which Linux is supposed to work out the box. Not so much. Seems that it requires a kernel upgrade, which you can’t really do because you have no internet connection. And this is an OS designed specifically for the EeePC. That’s a failure.

No problem. I’ll try EasyPeasy. Except that their boot from USB doesn’t work. PC finds the USB boot. Then it says hit enter to boot or wait ten seconds and it will boot. When I hit enter, it just starts the counter over. I let the counter go to zero and it just starts over. Odd problem this time since I had tried EasyPeasy before with not problems.

Property rights include your right to be a racist

Rand Paul said, in a nutshell, that while he opposes discrimination that maybe the government really has no business deciding what happens in a private business. It’s not a popular position because it requires thinking, and most folks aren’t good at that. It’s easy to say that racism sucks so we should force people to do what we want because it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And how dare they commit a thought crime. But a property owner should decide what otherwise lawful activity occurs on that property. If that property owner wishes to bar entry to his property to white/black/short/gun-toting people, it’s his business.

And this concept is difficult for some folks to accept. After all, who really wants to go to bat for racists? And some of my fellow gun nuts get all SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED at the thought of a property owner telling you that you can’t strap your hog-leg on and have a go at the salad bar. The simple-minded solution is to force those folks to comply with how you think things ought to be. That’ll show ’em. How dare they think differently!

But that’s the solution to most things these days. There ought to be a law. Can’t let property owners decide that stuff. They might offend us!

As Tam says:

For the record, I’m all in favor of letting idiots showcase their prejudices. It helps prevent me from accidentally spending money with someone whose pockets I’d rather not line.

From the NRA Floor: More Tactical Solutions

Some more stuff from the Tactical Solutions Booth. Here’s their TSG22, a Glock 22LR conversion (note: if you missed my video of Gabe talking about it, you can see it here):

From 2010 NRA Annual Meeting

A threaded barrel version:

From 2010 NRA Annual Meeting

Suppressor internals:

From 2010 NRA Annual Meeting

Their SBX barrel so you can have a 16 inch suppressed barrel but only pay one tax:

From 2010 NRA Annual Meeting

Freedom Group going public?

Looks like they’ve started the process of registering securities with the SEC.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Chicago Mayor Daley wishes for Supreme Court justices to be attacked. And threatens to shove a gun up a reporter’s butt. Classy.

Sporting Rifles

Josh Sugarmann is all butthurt because rifles that were once called sporting rifles are now being called that again. Seems he’s upset that his made-up term Assault Weapons isn’t the moniker that gun companies use, so he now calls them assault rifles (which they’re not):

What’s that you say? You’ve never heard of “modern sporting rifles”? Well, actually you have–except you probably know them as assault rifles. “Modern sporting rifle” is just the gun industry’s latest rebranding effort by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) for lethal, high-capacity, military-bred firearms like the AR-15 and AK-47. A prior industry-wide effort to rechristen assault weapons “black guns” never took hold. So they’re now “modern sporting rifles.”

They’ve been called sporting rifles for a long time. After all, the rifles sold to civilians are not the same as those used by the military because the military uses machine guns. Companies would sell a gun that looked like the military versions except they were semi-automatic. And those companies would refer to them as sporters or sporting rifles. Such as this Colt Sporter.

Revoking rights

Violent Misdemeanants, the Right to Bear Arms, and the Right to Vote

Working as planned

A look a the process MA uses to approve guns for sale. It’s like they designed to be a pain in the rear or something.


Brady Campaign blows brief:

none of their co-signers “sought or received permission to” be listed? And their attorney didn’t file the required motion to represent them?

Have it your way

Good for her:

The Burger King worker told police she was counting money when Robinson approached the restaurant’s office late Monday night and threatened to kill her.

She then started to wrestle with the man and shot him after he put aside his gun so he could stuff cash into a bag.

The woman put Robinson in a headlock and called police, who arrested Robinson.

Those darn civil rights

A WaPo editorial: Congressional efforts to repeal D.C. gun laws imperil homeland security


NRA Meeting Report

From Newbius.

A market

There’s probably a market for concealed carry clothing for women.


Legally armed in Detroit, that is. I met Rick at the show. Nice guy, for a racist gun nut.

Gun Porn

Some Sigs

Pics from the NRA floor

A paper 1911. That cycles.

Fourth Generation Glock


One box to rule them all

Google TV is coming. It will run Android and have apps. Nifty.

May 20, 2010


Tired of WinXP. Putting Eeebuntu on the netbook. Any must have applications or advice?

ETA: Looks like I’ll set it up to dual boot.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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