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In Cali

Open carry ban heads to senate.

6 Responses to “In Cali”

  1. Scott B Says:

    Is it all bad? Think of this big picture: if you can’t carry at all, does this create more opportunity for a supreme court challenge?

  2. John Smith Says:

    Perhaps a civil trial on the basis that the state cannot provide total security for its citizens which may constitute criminal negligence whenever a crime could have been prevented with a concealed or unconcealed weapon. So civil cases may be worth a try. Bankrupt the state until the end of time.

  3. Matt Groom Says:

    Knowing CA, their wording will be too broad and all inclusive, making it illegal to carry a firearm concealed or openly ANYWHERE, including the range and your home. That will bring court challenges on the constitutionality of their various bans on carry, and may open new pathways for concealed carry, as Scott B points out.

    Think about it: How many complete bans on the use of conventional firearms have withstood any kind of serious court challenge in the past 15 years?

  4. ATLien Says:

    learn to swim.

  5. Chris Says:

    The 9th circuit has already incorporated the 2nd against CA. They are delaying the en banc review pending the outcome of the McDonald case.I would suspect that this law will not go any further until the McDonald case comes down which should be in the next week or two.

  6. workinwifdakids Says:

    Nobody takes this challenge seriously. We’re going to drag California kicking and screaming into protecting our civil rights. Like Auntie Ann says, it was only 40 years ago we got Democrats to stop hanging black people for drinking from their water fountains.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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