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Helmke is nostalgic for the days when there were no gun control groups. Or something.

10 Responses to “Nostalgia”

  1. kirk Says:

    You know the bradyblog probably just got more hits just from your post than they did from their own blog entry.


  2. SebastianWho'llGetHisBlogRunningEventually Says:

    Paulie’s gettin a bit snarky. Must be depressing over there these days.

  3. Matt Groom Says:

    That pledge is basically asking you to swear that you aren’t a Communist, or a member of the KKK, both of which are organizations which the NRA was designed to fight. They are also organizations which frequently manned by people in Helmke’s camp. Let’s not forget that we had a Republican in the Whitehouse in 1954!

  4. Stranger Says:

    And if Helmke had purchased a 1934, or ’44, or ’54 Boys Life on Ebay he would have found ads for Remington and Winchester rifles and ammunition. Along with articles on both gun safety and shooting.

    If Helmke knew anything of history, he would know that in 1954 the NRA was almost exclusively a Ready Reserve and National Guard organization that catered to officers. That did not change until 1960, when the NRA first recruited law enforcement officers. And the NRA did not welcome Joe Citizen until the NRA officers were faced with the terrible trio of draconian gun laws from California, Illinois, and New Jersey.

    When I joined in late 1968, the membership app still required either a commissioned officers signature or that of a “chief law enforcement officer.” The Chief was no problem; he was my neighbor.

    But those who think the NRA has never changed are with Helmke in Cloud Cuckoo Land. And I understand the climate in Cloud Cuckoo Land is getting chilly.


  5. Alchemist Says:

    How about a compromise. The NRA reverts to what is was in 1954, and the federal gun laws likewise revert to what they were in 1954. Any takers?

  6. John Smith Says:

    I wonder how many guns this asswipe owns to protect himself from the evil gun owners.

  7. Weer'd Beard Says:

    “Paulie’s gettin a bit snarky. Must be depressing over there these days.”

    I suspect with all these major losses, and issues with fund-raisers, he’s concerned that his nice cushy meal-ticket might be soon to expire.

    I know a lot of fast-food establishments that would hire him, but I don’t know how secure his job would be with his reputation for lying and whining.

  8. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    You keep that moron out there on the East Coast!

    Indiana does not want him back!

  9. Weer'd Beard Says:

    What makes you think WE want him???

    Maybe the Brits will take him?

  10. Dixie Says:

    Maybe the Brits will take him?

    If they won’t, can we try the French?

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