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Keep your booger-hook off the bang-switch

ND. Oh, yeah, it’s a tank.

4 Responses to “Keep your booger-hook off the bang-switch”

  1. Boondoggie Says:

    >>”They were suffering minor injury to the eardrums,” she said.

    Ya think?

  2. Huck Says:

    “They were suffering minor injury to the eardrums,” she said.

    I’ll bet that they also had some lumpy choners too!

  3. MadRocketScientist Says:

    Ya’ll are missing the bigger question here:

    Canada has tanks?

  4. RML Says:

    Boneheads in Action- Dateline, New Mexico: Dudes tried to shoplift a pistol from the Outdoorsman, a gunshop in Santa Fe where all the clerks pack heat on the job. Niiiiice. *Clap. Clap. Clap.* Police Notes,

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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