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A civil rights victory

Restaurant carry is now the law.

4 Responses to “A civil rights victory”

  1. UTLaw Says:

    I’ve been calling the ABC to find out what places are considered bars vs. restaurants. All establishments licensed to serve liquor in Tennessee are Restaurants. This actually expands the locations you can carry as long as you’re not drinking.

  2. Spook45 Says:

    Statutorily speaking; that is WAY MORE VAGUE and confusing than the first one was. The idiot communist activist judge that screwd it up needs to be disbarred and removed from the bench. After reading it, I am not entirely comfortable carrying in a restaraunt without further study. It doesnt say you can carry there if you have a permit. I will have to read sec.1 that was eliminated first. This is not very well written.

  3. Spook45 Says:

    OK, I dont know about what it says in that bill that is posted here, but if you go read the TCA code changes(already updated on Michie legal resources) it is very clearly written and makes perfect sense. It defines a restraunt and clarifies when you can and cant carry. I didnt see anything in there about when it goes into effect. the original bill said July 1st, but this is not clear on this one. It does say something about it at the bottom but its not very clear.

  4. Linoge Says:

    UTLaw – So far as I am aware, there is no such thing as a “bar” in Tennessee, in that there is no specialized permit or license issued by the state to allow for that definition. There was an attempt at fabricating a definition last year, and that was what was struck down as being “vague”. Furthermore, with this new law, it no longer matters.

    Spook 45 – Here is the full explanation. In brief:
    The section of code prohibiting carrying in places that serve alcohol is simply removed.
    Carrying while drunk is even more bad.
    The international “circle-with-slash” is now legally binding in Tennessee, with a $500 fine if you do so.

    And that is about it. Nothing complicated, vague, or confusing about it.

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