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Check it

Watching Todd Jarrett on the line was amazing. He had an obsession with press checking his firearm. I calculated he press checked is pistol once every 4.2 seconds. Well, it is a good habit to get into. Here’s why.

4 Responses to “Check it”

  1. TomcatsHanger Says:

    Sometime ago I stopped press checking and started paying attention to the position of the extractor on my Glocks.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Yeah Tom, My 1911 has one of them witness holes. I don’t EVER use it. Just press check and look for Brass. I should be tacticool and actually TOUCH the brass in case I need to press-check in a dark room or something. But I never trust a mechanical device to do a job my eyes can do better.

    Especially since that pill in the chamber might save my life one of these days…

  3. Geodkyt Says:


    It is possible for that loaded chamber indicator to get stuck in the LOADED position. So you need to check anyway.

    It’s effectively impossible for it to get stuck in the UNLOADED position with a round chambered, but I’d check it, becuase it costs nothing and ENSURES you don;t have the one-in-a-billion freak mechanical failure that results in an unintended shooting.

    Long story short, it ain’t the loaded chamber indicator that will have to bury your wife, replace the TV, or install a replacement titanium knee in you. YOU will pay the price, so YOU should do the checking.

  4. Laughingdog Says:

    Watching Todd on what line?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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