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I’m confused

I thought NRA was arm of the Republican party. But Henigan says Democrats turned power over to NRA. And he calls for “Progressives” to take a stand.

6 Responses to “I’m confused”

  1. Molon Labe Says:

    “Helmke came first for the Democrats; but they didn’t speak up because they wanted to get re-elected.

    He then came for Obama; but he didn’t speak up because he wanted to get re-elected.

    He then came for Starbucks; but they didn’t speak up because they were already following the law.

    He then came for the Progressives…..”

  2. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    You take that stand and stand right there while we call down the big guns in November, Denny.

    Find, fix and fight.

    Shootin’ Buddy

  3. BobG Says:

    Since when did Henigan say anything that made sense?

  4. Mikee Says:

    Would you rather have the Democrats holding the power of government, or a few million pro-civil-rights gun owners?

    And how very nice of the Democrats to have”turned power over.” Since we all know the Democrats have a divine right to rule us.

  5. hazmat Says:

    But I thought the NRA was all dead and stuff. Isn’t that what Paul and Dennis were telling us right after the last election?

  6. Dixie Says:

    But I thought the NRA was all dead and stuff.

    This is the Zombie NRA. Back, and even harder to kill.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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