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Droid X

Engadget has a preview.

4 Responses to “Droid X”

  1. David Fox Says:

    I love my EVO 🙂

  2. JP Says:

    Droid X looks cool, but I hear that they are working on a monster that should be coming out sometime next year. The “Droid Pro” or some such. Supposedly a 2ghz processor.

    Seeing as I just got my Droid in February, I wont be upgrading again anytime soon.

    A couple days I rooted it and installed a custom rom and kernel. Its now running at 1.1Ghz and is very fast/smooth running. The battery life is a tad bit worse because of the extra juice going to the processor, but its fun to tinker with so I’ll stick with it for now. Custom roms are almost like getting a new phone.

  3. ka Says:

    “Custom roms are almost like getting a new phone.”

    I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I agree. I rooted my Droid while sitting in the Verizon store while my wife got her’s set up. I do it because, A) I can, and B) I like the “stick it to the man” vibe.

  4. Eric Says:

    July 2nd release date for this!!! WOOHOO!

    First off, its a friday. So makes sense. And look at the flickering at the end… good picture on that site.

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